Optimal Health and Weight Loss

Laura's goals:
1. improve strength
2. healthy weight loss
3. develop long-term healthy eating habits
4. continue to be active with healthy aging
5. avoid eating convenience food
6. use healthy lifestyle strategies to continue to heal from injury
Laura's Success:
1. weight loss of 49lbs!
2. total of 44.9 inches lost of stored energy
3. successfully exercises on a regular basis
4. has been able to do household tasks without pain, which was hard to do just months ago
5. Increase in energy when in the past, certain work events would have been draining
6. wedding ring fits again
7. has been able to try new exercise poses that were not possible in the past
8. sleep has improved!
9. craves healthy food now instead of junk food
10. overall health has improved immensely
Laura is a Children's Pastor at her local church as well as her family owns and operates a grain farm
A little more about Laura:
Laura had an injury that lead to a health crisis last year that lead her to take some time off work and focus on taking care of herself. She has done an amazing job at prioritizing her health and as a result has returned to work with new vitality and energy.
Laura says:
"Having the regular accountability and encouragement Jenn has given me has been a huge help in my healing journey.
Jen has suggested tools and tricks that I would never have thought of or discovered on my own that have made noticeable differences in developing a holistic healthy lifestyle."
What's next:
Laura is enjoying life and back to work and making healthy food for herself and her loved ones. We continue to work together on her goals in pursuit of optimal health. I look forward to sharing more of her story with you, with her determination and cheerful attitude, there is sure to be more...