Weelchair to Walking a Race!

Do you deal with a lot of pain and wish you could move more but are afraid of injuring yourself?
Don’t give up. There is hope and you are worth it!
Meet Mandy from Alberta, mother, wife, and Medical Laboratory Technologist. She is an inspiration!
We’re part way through our work together, but I wanted to encourage you with her story as she has faced many debilitating obstacles and she continues to amaze me with her perseverance and tenacity.
She’s struggled for a few years with debilitating pain in her back. She used to enjoy a wide range of activities but found herself injured to the point of barely being able to go for a walk or do some basic housework without a lot of pain. She even needed to use a wheel chair at some point as she was in so much pain. This is not what anyone imagines for themself in their early 40s.
She has worked hard and pushed through so much to get where she is today.
You see, just before Christmas, she was in a lot of pain and not capable of much activity at all. She needed help just doing the basic chores around her house.
Last week, SHE WALKED A 5KM race! Not too long ago she was in so much pain she needed to use a wheelchair.
How did she get to where she is today?
She has been diligently working on the following:
Daily physio and treatments
Healthy low inflammatory foods
Getting good sleep
Lowering her stress levels
Weekly walking and swimming
Creating a healthy environment for her family
Working on emotional health with the support of a therapist
Many people put up with a high level of pain and lack of mobility thinking that there’s nothing to be done about it.
I’m so thankful to have met Mandy and to have the privilege of working with her. There’s no doubt in my mind that she will continue to achieve all of her health goals .
Mandy Says:
"I spent almost 5 years in chronic pain without finding the help I needed. Jenn has helped me drastically improve my health and be able to move again. She is so compassionate and willing to go the extra mile for her clients. She has also helped me to build the support system around me that I needed to make the changes I desired"
Don’t give up. There is hope and you are worth it! These are two things that Mandy personifies.
I look forward to sharing more of her story with you in the future!