Cholesterol Lowered and Overall Health Improved

Craig (my Dad!) came to me with the following goals after meeting with his GP who warned him that his cholesterol levels were getting to the place where he would require medication to manage his cardiovascular disease risk. Craig was hoping to avoid taking medication, so we set out to use all of the lifestyle, nutrition and exercise strategies we could to help influence his blood work.
1. Lower unhealthy cholesterol (LDL)
2. Increaese healthy cholesterol (HDL)
3. Eat well
4. Begin to prioritize self care
Tools we employed:
1. Anti inflammatory and nutrient dense diet - Craig and his wife (my Mom!) completely changed their eating habits
2. We used some food as medicine like ground flax seed, avocado and olive oil to increase his healthy fats and to influence the healthy cholesterol levels (HDL)
3. Moderate exercise, with empahsis on walking and daily movement
4. Naturopathic medicine from an ND to help influence his blood chemistry
5. Intermittent Fasting
Craig's Success
1. Craig recently got his blood retested and his cholesterol levels have successfully lowered to a healthy level and his doctor no longer deems that he needs a prescription!
2. The Naturopathic doctor also reviewed his blood work as well and she said that his blood work transformation is one of the best she's ever seen!
3. The best part is that in pursuing better blood chemistry, Craig's overall health has improved from better sleep to increased energy to overall feeling great!
Craig Says:
“I was warned by my family doctor that I should take medication because my cholesterol levels were “risky”
I didn’t want to do this because of the side effects of the drugs. Jenn walked us through specific ways of eating that were easy enough to implement. In many cases eating more of some things I already enjoyed. Her step-by-step guidance is what made the difference. She looked at the specifics of what we were eating, suggesting alternatives, providing recipes. Not only have my cholesterol levels returned to a very healthy state, my whole sense of well being has improved. What I like about Jenn’s approach is that it is systematic with attainable steps. She is great at celebrating the victories as you progress!”
A little more about Craig:
Craig works in administration for a pharmaceutical company and is looking to retire in the near future. He has a lovely wife that he enjoys partnering with in ministry at their local church. He also loves to keep up with his 9 grandchildren and enjoys that he has great health to keep up with all of their activities etc. You'll regularly catch him on a bike ride with his wife, walking a teething grandson up and down the street to help soothe him, attending a granddaughter's circus performance or playing his piano at the end of the day. His life is full and he gets to enjoy it all the more with good and improved health.
What's Next for Craig:
Craig is planning to continue with the healthy strategies that he and his wife have employed and is looking forward to having more time for exercise and movement post retirement. He continues to see both his GP and his Naturopathic Doctor to monitor his blood levels.